BeadFest Victorian Style Bag

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This challenge theme indeed turned out to be a challenge for many of our members. Many started and were unable to finish their piece. It took us a few days to decide what to do about this. As a result, two of our members finished theirs and they are spectacular to say the least! So today we will share the finished pieces. In a future post we will share some WIP photos and possibly more finished pieces. Congrats to all those that did finish and made the grand attempt 🙂

The Victorian Bag theme was voted on by members. The theme originated from Chris from Good Quill Hunting. This is some of the inspiration that was given:

Here is some fantastic inspiration:

Here you will find a wealth of info regarding the ‘history and beginnings of a purse:

“In the Victorian period an extraordinary variety of types of bag appeared, in fabrics which matched or co-ordinated with different outfits, and which suited different fashionable styles of dress, and demonstrated different needlework and knitting skills. In the 1830s and 1840s flat square or circular bags were quite literally canvases for a range of decorative designs in woolwork and chenille, beadwork and ribbonwork, and ladies’ magazines described how to make them.”

EBEG Collage Victorian Bag

The Victorian Bag on the top row was done by Melanie from lindmel

White Beaded Bag with Silver Lined Crystal Bridal Bag with Art Nouveau Frame


The Victorian Bag on the bottom row was done by Sarah from Beadonkulous

Victorian Inspired Bead Embroidered Purse-EBEG Bead Fest

7 responses »

  1. Melanie and Sarah, these are truly gorgeous works of art! I was one of the ones who started but was unable to finish in time. Congratulations on your accomplishments!

  2. Yep…these are awesome!
    Wish life weren’t so complicated and I could have done one. Well, at least I can drool over yours!! Nicely done!

  3. Congratulations on your finished, beautiful beaded handbags! Both look stunning!
    I too wish I was able to finish on time 🙂

  4. I thought both entries were very well executed and the styles were indicative of the Victorian era. I congratulate both of you , not only on taking up the challenge and completing the task, but also on creating such beautiful pieces for us all to enjoy! BRAVO!!!!

  5. I thought both entries were very well executed and indicative of the Victorian era. It would be difficult to choose a winner, I loved them both. BRAVO!!!

  6. I like both entries for which many hours of work nedd to make.
    It is difficult for me to choose a winner. Compliments.


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